Treat yourself to a pampered stay at the charming Asa Ransom House in Clarence, NY. This 19th-century inn is an easy drive from the many activities and attractions of Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The inn houses a restaurant, herb garden, gift shop, and library for guests to enjoy during their stay. Each morning enjoy a three-course country breakfast in the quaint dining room. Partake in an exquisite afternoon tea with dainty sandwiches and desserts. Our on-site restaurant is open to the public, and uses herbs from our organic garden to create award-winning dishes. Couples, business travelers, and small groups will enjoy the luxurious accommodations at the Asa Ransom House. Guestrooms and event facilities have distinctive decor featuring period furnishings and antiques. Reader’s Choice Awards for: #1 Bed & Breakfast, Most Historical Charm, Most Romantic Setting.